The word ‘management’ has become special in this global scenario. There are management courses for specialized management systems in every walk of life. It is not that things were unmanageable and chaotic before modern management systems were introduced; they were done by human managers within human limitations. To err is human; hence, work was not free from errors. The task was difficult and time consuming. With smart systems using digitalization technique, things are managed easily and quickly. Document management shares the same transformation. Instead of filing documents manually in hard copies, documents are now converted into digital format and stored electronically. This is done via special software developed for the purpose. This method of storing, processing and retrieving data contained in documents with the use of computers is termed and document management system. ( DMS)

document management systemFunctions of a document management system

A DMS includes a number of functions related to documents.

  • A Data management system keeps track of the documents that are added newly to the record. Similarly, it makes note of the outward documents, when they were given and to whom etc. It is equivalent to an inward-outward register.
  • It locks and secures data in a submitted document and makes note of the changes made if any, when the changes were made and by whom. If changes are made repeatedly by different people, it prevents overwriting on the previous version. It maintains a history of all changes made from time to time.
  • It contains and explanation of how a particular document came to be on a given date, how it was before and how it ought to have been. This enables comparison of various versions of the same document. It has the provision to activate a previous version if necessary.
  • The DMS stores the documents in an organized format, categorized and classified according to types and sections.
  • The documents are duly annotated and stamped by the DMS.
  • Documents can be retrieved quickly and easily. Access to confidential documents can be monitored.
  • A large amount of documents can be stored safely in digital format in computers, saving physical floor space.
  • It makes use of paper unnecessary.
  • The DMS enables company people to access and work on documents as and when necessary.
  • A back-up system is included in case of loss or damage to machines.

The need and importance of a document management system

  • One cannot deny that document management is an essential part of business and vital to its growth and profit. A reliable DMS takes a major part of the burden off the shoulders of persons who can concentrate on other important issues.
  • When the tedious part of a task is done automatically, one does not mind spending more efforts on the intellectual side.
  • Sometimes, documents are dragged and dropped anywhere by someone and it is difficult to locate them. Re-typing them or preparing them all over again is difficult and sometimes impossible. DMS prevents such errors and saves and stores all documents systematically.
  • Documents nowadays exist in various forms like audio and video and not just typed, scanned or handwritten. All forms of documents can be managed by the DMS.
  • There is a chaos of thousands of documents like emails, fax, letters, notices, graphics, scanned documents and traditional documents. In this sea of documents the document management system acts as a traffic policeman, directing and disciplining the flow of documents.

Data Processing Optimization

  1. Data Capture – Using leading edge softwares, data capture includes: Digitizing paper documents, Importing electronic documents, Enhancing image quality, Image size reduction, Indexing of images
  2. Document Management – Document management includes Central repository, web based access, user access based on identified  role, Upload electronic documents, Search/retrieve documents, Version Control and Messaging between users.
  3. Work Flow – Workflow Control movement of a document either individual document or a folder. Also pre-define the path for approve or reject conditions. Eforms are Self configurable electronic forms which has User authorization to enter data for each field. Eforms also has approval process(Travel, leave, asset, Purchase requisition etc)

Zerone HiTech is the only company in Qatar that offers best quality Data management System to business houses. Management of documents at our end is error free, with complete back-up, safe and well-organized; we maintain excellent communication with the company so that access of documents is available round the clock. The trained staffs store all documents systematically. Involvement of employees in company interests ensures that your documents are safe and secure.