Real Estate

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In the real estate business, the challenge begins the moment you identify a lead. Qualifying the lead becomes extremely important so that you can channelize your efforts to the right prospects. And once that is done, delivering high-quality experiences to the prospect becomes extremely important.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM  provides you with tools that help you to qualify the prospect efficiently. With its structured opportunity management process, you could provide your sales workforce a guide and a system to deliver the right customer experiences to the prospects. Microsoft Dynamics 365 has the intelligence to keep track of the sales process and identify the deviations. This helps you course correct wherever the customer experiences are not satisfactorily delivered.

Technology is playing a pivotal role in the real estate sector, where companies can run their entire business process on one platform.

Zerone provides comprehensive property rental, leasing, and sales solution for real estate companies. Our business enterprise solution utilizes robust governance features which allow managers to set rules that would automatically trigger such as reminders and escalations ensuring timely action. Also, the advanced modules guarantee that nothing related to sale, rent or lease processing goes overlooked.

Zerone’s real estate solution enables real estate companies to gain a competitive advantage through technology. Our enterprise software includes advanced tools that can make maintaining property records, collecting rent payments and other processes run smoother and increase overall business productivity.


Zerone Hi Tech - Microsoft Solutions Partner