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Modern manufacturers are constantly searching for ways to promote organizational growth, increase productivity and bolster their bottom lines. To some, that may mean purchasing new machines, hiring more workers, or maybe even acquiring similar businesses. However, with the advances in new technology, many manufacturers are turning to Microsoft Dynamics 365 to gain a competitive edge.

Dynamics 365 was originally built to support the needs of manufacturing. It handles multiple business models and provides real-time visibility for plant operations, allowing organizations to stay connected and informed from the shop floor to the top floor. Employees are equipped with business intelligence and analytics tools that enable them to make decisions quickly and more accurately than ever before.

When the right people can receive, understand, and leverage the right information at the right time; Digital Transformation becomes more than a buzzword.

  • Formula — Formula, recipe or BOM (Bills of Material) management
  • Sales order processing — Sales order processing, including order promising
  • Shop Floor scheduling — Shop Floor scheduling and control
  • Supply chain planning — Supply chain planning and management (SCM)
  • Demand forecasting – Demand forecasting
  • Capacity requirements planning — Capacity requirements, planning (CRP)
  • Material Requirements Planning — Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  • Inventory management — Inventory management
  • Warehousing — Warehousing
manufacturing industry

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